Tree of Knowledge

Help Grow the Tree of Knowledge:

Proudly include your name on the Suffolk County Community College Tree of Knowledge. Remember beloved family, friends and colleagues with "In Honor of" or "Memorial" gifts to celebrate a retirement, birthday, anniversary, special occasion, or to express fond remembrance of those who are dear. Each gift is recognized with a permanent inscription on a solid brass leaf, acorn or plaque.

Choose the Tree of Knowledge at your campus, or all three campuses.

Description 1 Tree 3 Trees
Bronze Leaf $250 $500
Gold Leaf $400 $1,000
Crown Acorn $750 $2,000
Gold Acorn $1,200 $3,000
Benefactor $1,700 $4,000
Founder $3,000 $7,500

100% Tax Deductible 100% of your gift supports student success at Suffolk County Community College!


533 College Road Selden, NY 11784

Call or Email Maggie today 631-451-4458

For online donations please include I want to support = "Tree of Knowledge"

Donate Now


The principle of the fund is invested to produce income.  Interest accrued is then awarded annually to students who meet the scholarship criteria.