Retirees Association of Suffolk Community College

The Retirees Association of Suffolk Community College (RASCC) is an organization of retirees of Suffolk Community College and their spouses or significant other. The purpose of RASCC is to provide members with fellowship, pertinent information, and response to their concerns.

RASCC role includes liaison with Suffolk Community College and its organizations.
          Examples of this function and role may include:
                     Fellowship:      Social events, excursions, speakers, tours, etc.
                     Information:    financial planning, health insurance, fitness, retirement issues, etc.
                     Liaison:            providing retiring personnel with support and information
                     Service:           To SCCC specifically and to fellow retirees

Learn about RASCC by clicking here to obtain the RASCC brochure on becoming a member

Take a look at RASCC members participating in cultural, entertaining, and social events by going to the "Photo Album,""Recent Newsletters," pages.

Learn about ways RASCC supports students through


If you or your significant other is a Suffolk Community College retiree, we encourage you to join RASCC so you can enjoy all benefits of membership. Click here to print the RASCC membership form. Mail the completed form to the address on the form. Dues are $30.00 per year. Dues are free for the first year of your retirement.



Partial Officers and Committee Members

  • Maureen Clinton, President 
  • VACANT, Vice President and Assistant Newsletter Editor
  • Regina McEneaney, Secretary
  • Jane-Marie Wright, Treasurer
  • Vacant, Member-at-large
  • Joyce E. Gabriele, Member-at-large
  • Marie Hanna, Member-at-large
  • Kevin Peterman, Member-at-large
  • Linda Sabatino, Member-at-large
  • Richard Macy, Immediate Past President
  • Robert Stone, Newsletter Editor 
  • Peter Herron, Membership Committee Chair and Website Manager

Learn more at



Retirees Association of Suffolk Community

College Legacy Fellowship Grant


The Retirees Association of Suffolk Community College is proud to sponsor the Legacy Fellowship Grant. This grant will support one or more creative member(s) of Suffolk Community College community who proposes a project or activity, not currently provided by the college, that will enhance the educational experiences of Suffolk County Community College students.

All active members of the college community are encouraged to apply. This includes administrators, faculty, office personnel, and all college employees. No one is excluded from applying.

This year RASCC anticipates only one award of $1,000. If sufficient additional donations are made to the Legacy Fellowship Grand fund, there may be more than one award.


Criteria for the RASCC The Legacy Fellowship Grant project or activity

The Legacy Fellowship Grant project or activity must meet the following:

1 Must be a new project or activity in the college community.

2 Must be implemented and completed in one academic year.

3 State clearly who will administer and be responsible for the success of the project or activity.

4 Clearly state the objectives and the actions to be taken to accomplish these objectives.

5 Identify those colleagues who will be involved in implementing this project or activity.

6 Detail where and when the project or activity will take place.

7 Detail how this project or activity will be evaluated.

8 Submit a budget that describes how the funding will be used.

9 Submit a mid-term progress report to the RASCC Legacy Fellowship Committee.

10 Submit a final report at the conclusion of the project or activity stating which objectives were obtained, as well as which objectives were not met and why.

11 Submit a Letter of Support from your Campus Executive Dean.


How do I apply? Is there a deadline? Who do I contact?

These questions will be answered when you read the Retirees Association of Suffolk Community College Legacy Fellowship Grant Application.

Application Deadline: March 10, 2025



Read about 2023 Retirees Association of Suffolk Community College Legacy Fellowship Grants 


View photos from March 2024 Executive Board Meeting and Fellowship Grants check presentation


Retirees Association of Suffolk Community College Legacy Fellowship Grant Application.