Monday, April 22nd @ 12:30 pm & 6:00 pm and Wednesday, April 24th @ 12:30 pm in the Blackbox Theatre (Sagtikos 100). Admission is FREE and the entire community is welcome.
THE LITTLE PONY: A Theatrical Play Inspired by Real Events
Written by PACO BEZERRA / Performed in English translation by MARION P. HOLT
This internationally acclaimed play is inspired by the traumatic bullying experiences of real-life North Carolina child victims. In this 70-minute two-hander, SCCC-Grant Campus Performing Arts majors Drew Chadwick and Sadie Fleetwood Peper play Irene and Daniel, parents grappling with the consequences of their ten-year-old son being bullied for bringing his My Little Pony backpack to school. The play is stage managed by Ava Berglund and directed by Dr. Jason Ramirez.
Playwright Paco Bezerra explains: “I once read the news on Grayson Bruce, a 9-year-old boy from North Carolina, who in 2014 suffered several physical and verbal attacks as a result of carrying a My Little Pony backpack. He was forbidden to bring the backpack to the school and I couldn’t believe it. What is better, to follow the views of the majority or to defend your own child’s freedom of choice?” The Little Pony is also inspired by Michael Morones, a young boy who tragically took his own life after experiencing severe bullying related to his love for the animated series My Little Pony. Bezerra dedicates the play to these and other children “who, like them, have suffered insults and violence without anyone around them doing anything to prevent it.”
Paco Bezerra is one of Spain’s leading contemporary dramatists. His awards include National Literary Drama Award in 2009, The Calderon de la Barca National Theatre Prize in 2007, and the Eurodram Award 2014.
Marion Peter Holt, Ph.D. (1924-2021) was a renowned translator of contemporary Spanish and Catalan theatre. His translations continue to be staged internationally and by regional and university theatres throughout the United States.