Alumni Affinity Groups

African Diaspora Alumni Network


Reconnect with alumni, support student leaders and enjoy alumni programs. Subcribe for updates via email on Wordpress

Take a look at previous student program photos. Do you have alumni photos, event flyers, share your images 

African American Student UnionAASU logo

Category: Multicultural
Description: To educate African American students and all other students who are willing to learn about African culture and history.


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African Peoples Association

Category: Multicultural
Description: APA builds wisdom on freedom, health, family, black power business, voting. Empowing students outside of the classroom with real life experiences and education.


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Black Male Associates NetworkBMN Logo

Category: Multicultural
Description: This organization is comprised of students, staff, faculty, administrators and community. Students who wish to be involved in this organization begin their involvement while accomplishing the 5 required tasks for acceptance into the Network. Faculty, staff, administrators and community members in the Associates Network are invited to attend the events planned by the membership and are asked to be members and are welcome to recruit others. The organization has required attire along with patches and ribbons indicating the successful accomplishment of the required tasks.


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Caribbean Student Association

Category:     Multicultural
Description:     To promote Caribbean history and culture throughout the college community.


Consider a donation to the support student scholarships and endow these funds at $10,000.

African Peoples Association Scholarship help us raise $7,400.00.

Thurgood Marshall/Rosa Parks Leadership Scholarship help us raise $7,000.00.

If you would like to establish an alumni group please contact 

Diversity Conference 2019, Ammerman Campus coordinated by African American Student Union

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and stripes

2017 African Peoples’ Association MLK Jr. Day of Service at Milton L. Olive Middle School

APA 2017

Diversity Conference 2017, Ammerman Campus coordinated by African American Student Union

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing and suit

Diversity Conference 2016, Ammerman Campus coordinated by African American Student UnionAASU Diversity Conference 2016

 Professor Norman Daniels Retirement
Professor Norman Daniels Retirement 2016Read Newsday – LIers reflect on 50th anniversary of Kwanzaa By Joie Tyrrell featuring Professor Norm Daniels and student leaders from African People's Association

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