Alumni Affinity Groups
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
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Calling all Suffolk County Community College Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Alumni
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) provides academic support and financial assistance to students who demonstrate the potential for mastering college-level work. EOP is mandated by the New York State Legislature and is funded by the State University of New York (SUNY).
Local alumni can open the doors to a new future by attending programs, speaking at summer workshops and mentoring current students.
Were you a member of Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor society? Let us know!
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) alumni continue education paths at schools through-out the United States. Tell us where you continued for your bachelors or graduate degrees.
EOP Alumni we need you to please share why the program was important to you, send an email to

View photos from 2017 Award Ceremony
Consider a donation to support current students. Help us endow funds with a goal of $10,000.
EOP - "I Came To Win" Scholarship for Ammerman Campus Students $500.00 |
EOP - "I Came To Win" Scholarship for Eastern Campus Students $500.00 |
EOP - "I Came To Win" Scholarship for Grant Campus Students $500.00 |
EOP Scholarship $1,000.00 |
The Educational Opportunity Program would greatly benefit from donors to assist students with the following needs
- Book support ranging from $100 - $500 per semester.
- Transportation support ranging from $50 - $300 per semester.
- Research conference travel for one student ranging from $500 to $1,000 per semester.
- Sponsoring End of Year Celebrations ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 per semester.
- Sponsorting Summer Program ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 per year.
For more information contact (631) 451-4630 or mail check with Memo: EOP Program
Suffolk Community College Foundation
The Cottage
533 College Road
Selden, New York 11784